Writing Learning Objectives & Success Criteria
Writing Learning Objectives & Success Criteria
Posted by : admin | On : June 10, 2021This course will support participants in understanding the triangulation between writing learning objectives, differentiating success criteria and planning activities and assessment strategies that all align. Participants will develop their pedagogical understanding of BLOOMS taxonomy, Greaney & Rodd (2003), SMART goals and John Hattie’s research on visible learning.
Course objectives
- Identify the importance of creating a SMART Learning Objective.
- Explore the ways in which differentiated success criteria can be generated to align with the learning objective.
- Apply learned concepts and strategies to generate effective learning objectives, success criteria and planned activities (tying it all together).
Target Audience
Teachers, Middle Leaders, Senior Leaders.
2 hours
Mode of delivery
Face to face
English & Arabic
Certification: ATA Certificate of Attendance
How the course is assessed: Within the course, participants will work collaboratively to complete a given frame detailing the learning objective, success criteria, student activities and assessment opportunities for an upcoming lesson they will teach. Participants will be provided with a frame that prompts their use and application of the BLOOMS verbs to ensure effective differentiation is planned for. Attendance to the session and completion of the evaluation and reflection is mandatory to complete the course and receive a certificate of attendance.
Prerequisites: This course is suitable for any practitioner who requires support with writing learning objectives and success criteria.
UAE Teacher Standards
Professional and Ethical Conduct
1.1 Respect and promote UAE Values.
1.2 Demonstrate personal and professional ethics.
1.3 Be accountable for and to learners.
1.4 Comply with national and organisational expectations.
1.5 Establish communication and collaboration.
Professional Practice
3.1 Promoting positive learning environments.
3.2 Demonstrate learner – centred teaching.
3.3 Use assessment of learning
Professional Knowledge
2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of learning, development & diversity.
2.2 Demonstrate knowledge of curriculum.
2.3 Demonstrate knowledge of theoretical basis of teaching
Professional Growth
4.1 Reflect on own practice.
4.2 Engage in professional growth.
4.3 Determine impact on learner achievement.