Ninetta Challita
Posted by : deepshika | On : September 12, 2023The FS support Network Meetings were well planned for teachers to discuss and collaborate during the school year. The meetings were helpful since hybrid teaching and learning was new to all of us. I gained a further insight into how other ALDAR schools were teaching the Distance Learning students and how they felt about it. I had the opportunity to grasp new ideas and concepts to utilise with my Distance Learning students. I felt reassured at these meetings that we were all in the same situation, trying our best to facilitate learning by creating a happy learning environment for each child. Some teachers showed student work samples and asked for advice, as to what level that student would be at. This was important, as it proved to me that we are all following a similar guideline during this difficult time.
It is always encouraging to know that there is a supportive network of fellow teachers, where we can seek advice or just share ideas.